Bruce transform ed a
soggy co m er of th e
yard into a bog garden,
fed w ith rainw ater
run-off from pipes
com ing dow n from th e
terrace. A large u m
stan d s at th e centre.
U nderground, a rubber
liner retains w ater and
prevents th e striking
b u t invasive tall
horsetail w eed from
spreading beyond.
M exican beargrass,
above right
, accents this
circular bed. A ttem pts to am end th e gooey
soil here didn’t w ork, so Bruce dug o u t 18
inches of clay, th e n backfilled w ith fast-
draining gravel w here succulents can grow.
Sedum s,
, are tou g h an d dem and little
w atering, b u t like m o st succulents, th ey do
need good drainage.
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